Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Kit!

My sweet boy, Kit/Hoodrat/Pumpkin Pie, has turned 5 years old! Where has the time gone?

Beware-----this is an official cat lady post!

Look how sweet he was when he arrived in 2008. He had been found in a car engine. Part of his tail had been burned off and bone was sticking out. His little feet were all burned and scabbed up. On top of all that, he had a severe eye infection.


So I decided I would keep in for a few weeks to let him heal up and then I would find him a home….2008-10-16-13-46-25_DSC07109

then he got cuter and cuter. Then he started sleeping on Doug…. 2008-10-12-13-30-39_DSC07104

and then there was no way I could ever let him go. 

2008-12-01-15-53-38_DSC07225 2008-12-01-15-53-32_DSC07224

He just got cuter in 2009…

 IMG_0078 2009-11-01-08-08-37_IMG_0182 

He loved all the wedding presents Doug and I received in 2012…


Maybe he is getting wacky in his old age (circa 2013)…how is this comfortable?


But all in all….he is adorable and my sweet boy! IMG_0027

Happy 5th birthday kit! We love you. :)

Love and Hugs, Lizzie