Sunday, January 24, 2016

Visitors, getting Christmas ready and Bed Rest Fun

While on bedrest at home, I was honored to have many visitors. Mom, Andrew and Ashley also spent lots of time “lizzie sitting” and taking care of me. Here is some of the bedrest excitment during December of last year.

One of my first visitors was an former coworker from Novartis: Carolina! She was in town for a confernce and we had plans to grab dinner out in Nola. Sadlly, I was told I was not allowed to leave, but she was sweet enough to come out to visit me!


Then Ashley set up a “bring them a meal” sign up and then food started arriving from friends and family. It was truly amazing the amout of love and support we were shown. I really cannot thank everyone enough. It was truly one less thing Doug had to worry about.

This meal was from Cynthia (one of our volleyball friends) and it was freaking delicious.

One day while Mom was lizzie sitting she brought over a craft. She and Ashley surprised me with a Christmas tree!2015-12-08-16-08-46_IMG_31862015-12-08-16-08-46_IMG_3189

I made the most wonky star…haha2015-12-08-16-08-46_IMG_31932015-12-08-16-08-46_IMG_31952015-12-08-16-22-21_IMG_31942015-12-08-16-40-06_IMG_3201

Then we started making ornaments. We made some pretty fancy ones!2015-12-08-16-40-06_IMG_3202

As the days went by and I got to enjoy my Christmas tree, I kept working from my bed and getting things knocked off my to do list. It was pretty effective.

This is breakfast bedrest! Open-mouthed smile2015-12-08-xx-xx-xx_IMG_3184

There are two beings that enjoyed me being on bedrest the most: Normandy and Kit. They stayed in bed with me most of the day and it was awesome!2015-12-09-14-59-38_IMG_3203

More visitors came and went and it was LOVELY. Here is one of Jeri’s visits.2015-12-09-16-02-59_IMG_3206

and LEON!2015-12-08-xx-xx-xx_IMG_3185

and Gabby visited! She came all the way from Amite!


Katie came to visit too! I have such awesome friends. 2015-12-09-16-03-32_IMG_3207

One of the best parts of this bedrest business was when people would blow dry my hair. This photo is of my Mom drying my hair, but it has also been done by my dad, Ashley and Sabrina. All have different methods and created very different looks.


Not only did friends visit, but out of town friends sent packages. This was some delicious food from Maureen, but we also had packages from Amanda, the Burich’s, Sabrina and so many others!2015-12-11-17-51-41_IMG_3221

My sweet friend Katie (and Bertie) sent me a care package. I must admit the chocolates were gone first. 2015-12-11-xx-xx-xx_IMG_3220

On the mirror next to me was my countdown. I took this photo on Dec 13 and that happened to be the first day I felt the babies move. It was a wonderful day for two reasons: 1. It was my mom’s birthday and 2. I FINALLY felt the little brownies. 2015-12-13-xx-xx-xx_IMG_3224

My bedrest selfie on Dec 13….2015-12-13-xx-xx-xx_IMG_3225

It was a wonderful month even though I was on bedrest. I saw so many people and caught up with them all. I made the best of what I had for sure.

Speaking of making the best, my next blog is my amazing family making the best of our family Christmas in my tiny condo. Until next time and thank you to everyone for the love and support.

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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