Monday, June 27, 2016

Easter Sunday 2016 (March 27, 2016)

Easter Sunday was spent at my house with my family and it was lovely!  Mom and Dad brought home grown eggs, Ashley and Andrew made breakfast and the Easter Bunny delivered lots of goodies.

The EB even brought goodies for the Brownies…



We dyed Easter Eggs from our own private chickens.IMG_8860IMG_8861IMG_8863IMG_8874IMG_8879

I was feeling so preganant that I we did a mini photo shoot with the family (thank goodness because the twins were born the next night!)

I was 37 weeks preggers:IMG_8884IMG_8888IMG_8890IMG_8891

I took this video that night: (most of movement is in the first 3 seconds)

The Brownies kicking….

I had 8 days left in my countdown to 38 weeks. I was so uncomfortable and ready to be unpreggers, but I was going to do my best to hold them in as long as I could. We had a doctors appointment in the morning. The next day would be pretty exciting!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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