Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Holy Week and Easter Vigil

This past Easter was a big deal for Doug and I. We have been going to RCIA for the past 10 months as Doug decided he wanted to become Catholic. I wanted to support his decision and acted as his sponsor. I knew he was going to learn all about the Catholic faith and I wanted a refresher course so I decided to attend all the classes with him. It has been a great experience that culminated during Easter week!

On Holy Thursday, Doug was asked to act as a disciple and to get his feet washed by Father Herb (just as Jesus washed his disciples feet).


Then we attended Mass at 3 pm on Good Friday. It was a great experience. We kissed the feet of Jesus.

The the big event: Saturday! We went to practice at 10 am on Saturday morning and then went to the main event that night. Doug was confirmed, had is first communion and was welcomed into the Catholic Church with a big party!


Doug was confirmed with two other gentlemen. They are wonderful few friends. Congrats to Andy and Frank also!


Doug’s Fan Club:IMG_6266

Congrats Douglas! Love you baby!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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