Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pinterest Cauliflower Pizza and Thin Mints

I pin all kinds of things on Pinterest. Recently I found this recipe on Pinterest for Cauliflower Pizza. It intrigued me because the recipe looked different from all the others. So we gave it a whirl and it was really good! Doug said it was an A- for cauliflower pizza crust.


Next up, we tried a recipie Ashley gave me over the phone, but she got it from Pinterest.

Mock Think Mints:
1 tbs peppermint extract
1 bag of semisweet chocolate
ritz crackers

Melt the chocolate and stir in the extract. Dip the crackers. Put in freezer. (Ashley said you can dip half or whole. She said she preferred half dipped so that is what I tried…)IMG_1487

THEY WERE REALLY GOOD! They really did taste like thin mints plus a little salt.

In other news, not losing any weight so far… haha.

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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