Monday, April 8, 2013

The last birthday post – the actual birthday!

By the time my actual birthday hit, I was almost birthdayed out. The weekend was so awesome. That allowed Doug to be able to take it easy a little.

The morning of my birthday, doug called up that the kitchen was on fire! I got here and found a HUGE blueberry holding my birthday candle:
Doug was so proud:

I blew out my candle and we both headed to work.

Once we got home from work he set up the last birthday celebration…He called me downstairs because the kitchen was on fire (again?!?). Doug had really outdone himself! I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cake AND a Mac and Cheese cake!


Then I opened the gifts from DB, Jenni and Craig and Doug’s parents:

I had also received many cards during the week:

These two made me giggle:

From Cyn and Brock! So cute!

Birthday signs from DB:


He also had flowers delivered during the day:


Man, I am one lucky girl! I am ready to see what this next year has in store!

Thank you all who were involved with NORC, the cook off, or any other birthday festivities! I love you all!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

1 comment:

  1. I'm obsessed with Camelbaks too!! I have that pink one and a smaller light pink one as well (:
