Wednesday, June 18, 2014

March 31–Traveling to Italy

Side note before we start: Doug and I blogged the trip on Travelpod each day so we would not forget details. I will use that blog as the skeleton of these blogs. Anything from the Travelpod will be in italics and anything not in italics will be new words from me!

The trip prep had happed for the week before we left. We downloaded movies, TV shows, music, games, anything to keep us busy on the two long flights. We prepped our laptops and were electronically prepared. We also knew we would be blogging each day so we brought the appropriate cables, etc. I also brought an extra Fitbit just in case I lost mine. I was totally prepared…or so I thought. The whole 110v to 220v and converters were packed, but I still managed to mess it up…(more details later).

Finally we packed our fancy new camera and were as ready as we could be. Doug had booked all the hotels/B&Bs.

We had a a plan and that always makes me happy.

We woke up on Monday morning and finished the very last minute packing, went for a walk where we were told a random Italian golfing joke by someone who had no idea we were about to leave for the airport, and said caio to some of the neighborhood crew (dogs included). Andrew brought us to the airport and we did laps in the airport to get steps - we knew it would be a low step count day.


I was SUPER impressed with myself. We were planning to be in Italy for 16 days, but I only packed for a 6 day trip. I packed it all in a medium bag and a carry on. I was so proud.


A few minutes after we arrived at the airport we found out our flight was delayed due to air traffic control in JFK. There had been snow/storms in JFK earlier that day and air traffic control told us to leave later instead of wasting gas circling around the airport waiting to land 3 hours later. We had a 2 hour layover so we thought we should make the connecting flight ok. Then we were delayed again. I was getting slightly concerned as the layover window was getting tighter and tighter.

We knew we would be trapped on a plan for hours so we walked laps around the airport to get plenty of steps. During those many laps I realized that even though I packed well, it was still to heavy. My bag was hurting my back and we had not left New Orleans yet. This concerned me as we were going to be carrying luggage all over Italy. Oh well. It was too late to worry about that.

Lizzie still in Nola

Finally, we got the go ahead and boarded the plane. I was, of course, all worried about catching our flight to Venice. I did not want to get to Italy a day late!

Right before we landed, I got these photos of NYC. Very pretty with the sunset. IMG_4935IMG_4934

We landed and the plane was so small they unloaded us on the tarmac and we walked down a covered walkway into the terminal. We had to deplane on a set of stairs and walk through a maze to get us inside the terminal. We were on a small plane so we did not get our own jet way. Lame.

After walking a mile we finally made it into a terminal only to find we had to change terminals. We hauled booty to a bus that would take us to the next terminal. Lame. As we approached the bus, a random airport worker asked what flight we would be on and he said I could simmer as we had plenty of time. ha. I must have looked panicked.

We finally got to our plane and had plenty of time to board. Fine, random dude, you were right.

We boarded and the plane had 7 seats across. We were in the middle section which was made of 3 seats. Doug and I had each picked an aisle and left the middle open hoping no one would sit between us. After the plane was boarded we still had the open seat. I rejoiced! Doug stretched his long legs and I stacked all kinds of stuff on the seat.The flight was 8 hours. I got 0 sleep, but it was not for a lack of trying. I laid across the seats and tried to sleep, but that did not work. I listened to Shark Tank and tried to doze to no avail.

Doug watched some Doug movies so he was happy. Doug got maybe 2 hours of sleep. I watched Tangled, The Help, Frozen and about 5 episodes of Shark Tank. The flight was pretty smooth and uneventful. He got some sleep and I was jealous.

Side note: At one point during the flight, a flight attendant walked by holding a fitbit in the air. I stopped her and asked why she had a fitbit in her hand. She said she had no idea what is was and was found in the aisle. I checked and still had mine, but when Doug checked he realized it was HIS fitbit. Thank God someone had found it and thank God I noticed that flight attendant walking around with it. He almost lost it before we even got to Italy!

When we landed in Venice, it was April 1. Since it counts as a new day, I will save it for the next blog. Here is Doug as we landed in Italy!


I felt as excited as he looked.

Fitbit Lizzie Steps: 5,651 (I changed mine to Italy’s time zone)
Fitbit Doug Steps: 7,945

Until tomorrow, Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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