Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day in the Leap Year!

Years ago we decided to call February 29 “Lagniappe Day”. For those not from South Louisiana, "Lagniappe” is a little something extra – (just like February 29!)

The only difference is that we wanted to pronounce it “lag-nap-a-day”.

So in honor of today, “lag-nap-a-day” I will give you a little something extra to brighten your day (and a wedding update).

First of all, here is the wedding update:
1. Ms. Liz Ball (Amanda’s mom) and Amanda’s Aunt have graciously offered to MAKE my second line napkins! They are so freaking amazing. It is such a time consuming project that I can not imagine the undertaking. They are rock stars, but we already knew that.

2. The final proof of the wedding invitation has been approved this evening and is going to the printer tomorrow. They should be ready before Friday as…

3. We are having an invitation stuffing party on Saturday! (If you want to come by and help we will be at the Shack. The more the merrier! and we might celebrate my birthday a bit also…)Yay! and then…

4. The invitations are being mailed on March 6, MY BIRTHDAY, which also happens to be our engagement photo session! Taking pictures on my birthday will be the best birthday present ever! :)

5. The official draft competition will begin next week! I can’t wait to kick Doug’s butt! I so drafted the best team ever! He did steal some of my top picks, but I feel confident in my team.

6. Finally, we have made all the final plans for the Friday before the wedding. It will include “Jazz Fest with Doug”, a ladies “Tea Time” and a little reception for anyone who wants to see us before or after dinner that Friday night. I will update the site and make a new tab for it by next week.

And here is a little something to brighten your day: Gnomes Fighting.


Love and Hugs, ENJOY YOUR lag-nap-a-day!  Lizzie

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