Thursday, March 1, 2012

The start of my birthday month…and a fitbit update

March = Lizzie’s birthday month! It always sneaks up on me. It blows my mind I will be 31 in less 5 day. I have a feeling that 31 is going to be a great year.

We do not have big plans this year as all our planning is focused in May. We also have pushed our restaurant club, NORC, back to after the wedding also. There is a lot going on.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, I am still managing to keep up with my fitbit. I am still obsessed daily about getting over 10k steps. Last week while we were in Colorado, we did not get as many steps in and we were called out by 3 people for being slackers! (I am not going to mention any names, but it might have been a red head I love, Doug’s mom, and a Novartis district manager that lives in Nashville:)) Now it is on! Watch out kids. We are making a come back.

Here is my mileage badge:

250 miles

Here is my Skydiver badge:

skydiver badge

This is what the leaderboard will look like next week:


This is what it looks like right now:

march 1 leader board

Now that Shawn and Lauren are now fitbitting, we can try to beat them also. Keep bringing it on friends. If you want a fitbit, click on the fitbit logo below so we get the credit for recommending it!
fitbit banner

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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