Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mardi Gras Weekend: Friday and Saturday

Friday was Nuts. It was my least favorite day of the whole weekend, but I shall still tell the story.

At 9:30 am, I met my dad at the hotel for him to drop off the ladders (THANK YOU AGAIN DAD) and get the parking worked out. All went smooth.

I went back home and packed my stuff to move into the hotel for the weekend. I got it all done. I packed like 10 million bags and Doug packed one. Ug. Being a girl is so much work.

I got back to the hotel by noon (traffic Uptown is so bad right now because of all the construction) and unpacked my stuff. I got the room all ready and went out for a 3 mile run on St. Charles. It was absolutely beautiful. They day was awesome and all the people holding spots were entertaining to look at. The Streetcars were not running on the Route after Friday morning.

I got back to the hotel, showered up and then twiddled my thumbs for hours for doug to get off work. It kinda sucked so by the time he got to the hotel (via bike from work) I was not into the Mardi Gras. I know, hard to believe. I did not even dress up.

I started feeling better when he got there and we went down to watch the parades. I got to see my buddies Amy, Bridgette, and Courtney marching in d’Etat and they were super creepy. See here:IMG_20150213_201551_thumb

I ended up having a good time by the end of the night, but it was a rocky start. Poor DB. He is a trooper.

We actually stayed up pretty late with Bret and Martha at Superior. There were many beverages and happy discussions. We went to bed by midnight and were back out on the streets the next morning.


Doug had decided to make a costume adaption. He cut a hole into his Hulk hand so it could hold his drink. Brilliant I say.

We had many visitors Saturday!

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Shawn, Lauren and Samantha (who dislike the hulk) came by. Also Mr. Keith and Ms. Sonia were stuck hanging out with us. All Shawn’s fault if you ask me.

Brock and Cynthia too!


Barb, Sarah, Ms. Mary, Mr. Larry, Nick and Ben were there too!IMG_2503_thumb

Then Kristian, Byron and Susan came by!




We also got to enjoy Courtney and Ryan’s company. We love them!




It was another beautiful, amazing day. We had a blast.


Once all the parades had passed, we decided we were going to try to get to see Endymion. It was a lofty goal, we doug felt up to the challenge. We got down there (again thanks to DB’s amazing driving skills), parked by Tulane and Carrollton and walked down to Canal. It was not a terrible walk.

We got there, found our peeps (of whom we took NO photo. FAIL.) and hung out for a while. I got to see the regular crew. I miss them. So we hung out there for a while with the ebb and flow of the crowds. I also got to see my riding buddies – Brandon B, Augie, and Anthony.

At one point the parade had stopped so we illegally walked up to Augie and Anthony to visit with them for a bit. On our way our we ran into Gene!2015---Mardi-Gras---Gene---Endymion_

He randomly found saw us walking in front of the barricades. We visited with him for a bit before the police made us move again Smile. It was so great to see him to keep the tradition alive of spending Valentine’s day with Gene! Two years strong!

As it was Valentine’s day, we deiced to go have a lovely, romantic dinner…at Felipe’s!IMG_20150214_192851_thumb

Those burritos hit the spot! SO romantic.

We headed back to the hotel and rested up for the parades on Sunday. Awesome day. YAY!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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