Friday, March 18, 2016

Moving Day! January 2016

As I sat in the hospital, Doug and the best moving crew ever packed up the condo. I had lived in the condo since 2007. Doug moved in with me after we got married. The last time I saw the condo was on December 31, 2015. I went to see the doctor and was hospitalized.

I had packed about 15 boxes before I left for the hospital. I had grand plans of packing up the house. I had a spreadsheet and all ready to go. Ashley and Andrew had helped me pack those boxes. Then it was all up to Doug, Ashley and Andrew. Thank God for them!

Ashley had spent the previous week packing up our stuff. She is amazing.

The day had finally come to move all our stuff to Browntown. Doug got up and picked up a moving truck. He went back and the moving crew arrived. I had only two jobs that day. 1. Get a crew together to move our stuff with Doug and 2. Order the pizza. Done!


Once the guys got there the furniture started pouring out of the house. 2016-01-16-00-00_IMG_3384

Ashley had been designated the “Moving Day Captain” and was put in charge of all the movers. 

There were only a few accidents. Thankfully Bret is ok…2016-01-16-09-44_IMG_33902016-01-16-09-44-17_IMG_3391

Back to work! The guys moved all the stuff into the truck. Was it done differently than I would have liked? of course. Was is surprising to some of the guys how I was not somehow controlling the move from my hospital bed? yes! ha. BUT…was it all moved? YES! and am I upset about how it was moved? NO WAY. Just very thankful for our friends and family. 2016-01-16-09-45_IMG_33932016-01-16-09-45_IMG_33952016-01-16-11-43_IMG_34022016-01-16-11-43_IMG_3680



After loadin2016-01-16-11-47_IMG_3686g the truck, they all headed to Browntown…2016-01-16-11-42_IMG_3678

and unloaded the truck.2016-01-16-11-47_IMG_36872016-01-16-11-43_IMG_3400

Finally, after all the furniture was moved, they were fed. Open-mouthed smile2016-01-16-12-00_IMG_36962016-01-16-12-09_IMG_37022016-01-16-12-26_IMG_3707


Thank you so much guys! We really could not have done it that well or at all without you!2016-01-16-13-27-09_IMG_3398

After they left, this is what some of the house looked like…

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I never saw it like this. Doug worked like a dog over the next few weeks. He unpacked boxes after boxes.

I also want to give special thank you to Erica G. Not only did she let us borrow her hubby for the move, but she also hung out with me all day in the hospital to keep me distracted and to prevent me from being sad. Thank you Erica. You did a great job. I was sad to miss our move, but I had no choice in the matter. You twins better appreciate all this one day! ha.

I could not wait to get into my new home. Little did I know it would still be months away.

Love and Hugs, Lizzie


  1. And I can attest to the fact that the more boxes Doug and I unpacked, they seemed to continue to multiply. There were so many boxes! We plowed our way through it and we did it! YEAH! xxxxxxx

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